Saturday, May 24, 2008

Week in review

Okay, so it's been a week in Alaska and I know all three of our readers are dying for a new post. So here it is, in the form of a thumbs up/thumbs down edition.

Thumbs up: Working at the Lynx Creek Gas Station/Convenience Store/Booze Shop. It actually is turning out to be a good gig. It's easy, good co-workers, and its the only seller of off-sale alcohol in the area. So far, so good.

Thumbs down: Smashing fingers in doors (pictured to the right). That's Sam's finger...yep, just smashed it in a door. Right now, its the size of a small Jeep. 

Thumbs up: Off days. In the last two days, we've climbed a mountain, seen three moose, and visited the home/kennel of a dog-musher who won the Iditarod four times. There were about 100 Alaskan huskies there...good times. We also climbed another mountain a few days back, and have pictures of everything. Which raises the question: why do I keep posting non-wilderness related photos on here? I'm not sure. Have patience, they will come.

Thumbs down: Booze prices. And prices for everything, actually, but it hurts more when its the essential items. A six-pack of decent beer is $ don't even want to know what we pay at the bar. So far, there's been a lot of Rich and Rare whiskey consumed...

Thumbs up: The Salmon Bake. So far, its the most happenin bar in the area (it had a one in three chance), even if it costs a days wages to enjoy a few drinks there. Last night, we saw a band there called "The Gangly Moose," which consisted of three guys over 50 jamming their asses off. 

That's all I got right now. I'm gonna go ice the finger.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Apparently, "gift shop" also really means "gas station." You have got to be shitting me.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Heartache get the red tape out of the way...
1. We arrived in Fairbanks last night. Stayed at a Hostel called Billie's was top drawer. Met a guy and a Swedish girl.
2. Jim fell in love with the Swede within the first 30 seconds. He's such a romantic. They shared a bed...and by shared I mean they slept in separate beds.
3. Got to Denali today by way of an overpriced shuttle. Jim forgot his required documentation to he's got to ship back to Fairbanks tomorrow. Strike one.
4. So far, Alaska looks awesome. And it smells suspiciously like coffee...

Now, for the real meaning of this post. Can you guess what Jim was thinking in this picture? I know what you're thinking; he looks happy, doesn't he? Wrong.
This picture was taken right after Jim found out where he'd be working this summer. You see, on his job description, it says "camp store." So, like a fool, Jim assumed he'd be working at a camp store. Not the case. 
We decided to go across the road today to buy a 12-pack...standard procedure. We go in to a gas station with a small selection of snacks and a small liquor store. Jim mumbles about what a dump the place was...then realizes that the employees are wearing the same clothes he was told to bring. This raised a bit of a red flag, but he brushed it aside. I mean, there's no way that this was the camp store, right?
Wrong. The man who checked Jim out was named Eric Van den Hoogen. Jim's supervisor is also named Eric Van den Hoogen. Could've been a different Eric Van den Hoogen. But probably not. 
Nope, Jim will be spending the next 3 months working at a gas station. He drowned his sorrows by downing ice cream and yams and mumbling about hitting his head with a ballpeen hammer. He's getting over it.
What does the future hold? Does Sam really work at a "gift shop?" Only time will tell. For now, we've got to get back to that 12-pack.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Calm Before The Storm

It's happening.

Just over a week from when we leave for the great up north, and it is finally setting in that yes, we actually are going to be spending the entire summer in the great state of Alaska.'s probably great. I mean, neither of us have ever been there...but it has to at least be in the top 50% of states, right? Way better than Idaho and the Dakotas, no doubt. Please refrain from making any Iowa jokes.
Anyway, we're joining many other lost souls like ourselves in an attempt to find life's true meaning in the deliciousness of the Alaskan wilderness. We will become one with nature (not to mention the fact that we're working/living in a large, energy-consuming resort that probably harms the environment in enough ways to make Hillary Clinton tear out of one of her pants-suits in anger. Oh well, get over it. Nature will survive.).
Regardless, we're both getting excited. Jim is excited to meet some hippie-girls. Sam is excited to make fun of those hippie-girls. It's going to be a good summer.

Which gets us to the reason for this post: what are the odds that one or both of us gets eaten by a grizzly bear this summer? It's a real possibility. We're setting them at 50-1. If we were you, we'd put $1,000 down on us getting eaten. Why?
A. It would make the summer more an episode of man vs. wild, aside from the fact that there would be no cameras and there would be an actual chance of us dying.
B. Think about it; if we do get eaten, while everyone else is mourning our deaths, you'll have a nice little payday to keep you happy. Really, you can't lose with this bet. Call it in to Vegas.